
Visionary/Things to do...(Part 1)

...maybe before I turn 25? Or how about 30? That'd be a little more realistic, eh? ::Shrugs::

Someone once said that as a scheme to make our lives have a goal, we should compile a list of things that we'd like to accomplish. In pursuit of such a list of desires, I am being somewhat short-sighted. What this person meant was to know exactly what it is we want. Come up with a list of more than "Things I'd Like To Do Before (insert age here)".

That sort of thing.

So. This is me following suit. I don't really know where this is heading. I'll try to form is in such a way to make more out of everyday; for this is the day that the Lord has made, right? Right.

1. Get closer to God, by any and every means necessary/available.


Needless to say, this will be a process. But I want it. In my heart of hearts, ultimately, this is a deep desire. Kinda like a divine "The Closer I Get To You". Cuz that's a really good song.

2. Go skydiving at least once.

sky diving

This is a must. I don't care about the possibility of becoming nothing more than a ketchup colored stain on the pavement, or a comedic splat. I have to do this. I've been dreaming about it for years, and the only thing that is keeping me from doing it is the time and money, which coincidentally are rather synonymous.

3. Attend a taping of Def Poetry Jam.

Def Poetry

Yeah. Pretty much. You already know.

4. Vote.

2008 election

This year is a big one. And I'm old enough. So I've got to do what so many people have fought for.

More to come, later.

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I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...
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