
Love Musings #1


There is no way to truly comprehend the magnitude of that word. I don't think anyone alive on this planet can fully, completely come up with a definition of this word. I mean, seriously. There is no way. There are way too many variations and version, interpretations and intentions. Love. I love my parents. I love Reese's. I love my girlfriend. I love action movies. Love, love, love. What the heck does it really mean?

Should it even have a definition? If you are of the Christian persuasion, you know that the maker of this...thing is so great, He cannot be defined. He is so much bigger than any adjective, term or religion. He just is. So maybe, and I'm just free-balling here, love is as much as its Creator. Love is undefinable.

But if that's the case, how can so many people claim to know for sure that what they call love is really, truly love?


I love this girl. Yet, how do I know? How can I possibly know, in my limited years of experiences on this miserable rock called "Earth", what love is? How can I use the same word for her and Butterfingers?

A little history lesson. I am a hopeless romantic in a sad way. My favorite movie is "Aladdin". I love watching "The Notebook" for no apparent reason. And I've been in enough heart-related trials to completely discourage me from the pursuit of such. As a matter of fact, were I any less of a man, I would've probably converted to one of three options:

1. Forget females. All I need is me, myself and some Vaseline.
2. Forget true love. Just change my name to King Ding-A-Ling and lay the pipe at any opportunity that presents itself.
3. Keep trying. There's always tomorrow.

Naturally, we can tell which one I chose.

I suppose that it is just my nature. I guess God just saw it fit to have me as an emotional soul, blindly following my emotions. Whatever it is, I am not too much closer to the definition of whatever it is that seems to swarm over my being...

I found it interesting, while reading 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. A lot of people are familiar with the Love Verses, which are 1 Corinthians 13:4-12. These are the ones that we are taught as children. While they are important, I personally don't think that they are the entire picture. The first three verses of this chapter really seems to capture the essence of Love. I think that this is what makes love Love.

Without love, generosity means nothing. Without love, donations mean nothing. Without love, nothing is of consequence.

Remember that pretty lady in that picture? I still love her. I had love for her from when we were simply friends, but I love her. Still. I'm still learning more about her, day by day, but I still love her. Not that "bow-chika-wow-wow" kinda love. More like "I-am-going-to-consciously-work-on-growing-with-you" kinda love. A lot of people think that love is a magical event that takes no effort. I used to to hope/believe in that. But love is not apathetic. Love truly is a verb (Thanks dcTalk).

My parents? They've been around since day 1. And they are still my parents, checking up on me, calling me, even slipping a little dollar bills in my account when I'm not looking. Still. They are still concerned. They still want the best for me, and that's not just because they biologically are responsible for my life. They love me. My dad could've left. My mom could've given up. I know that out of the four children, by myself, I've given them enough opportunities to give up. But they still worry, pray for, stress over and love me. For real.

I think that's the first step to understanding love. It endures.

Y'know, I should post a bunch of cheesy love quotes to prove my point, but for now, that scripture is all for this post.


KBkatie said...

i was thinking about LOVE today. and what it really meant. how one knows they are loved, or are in love. interestingly enough, i intellectually know that God loves me....in my heart, i don't feel loved. very interesting thoughts to have while i was at the dentist. was listenting to a song by Feist "How My Heart Behaves." Here's the lyric

The cold heart will burst
If mistrusted first
And a calm heart will break
When given a shake

a calm heart....is that an apathetic heart? something to think about. thanks for reading my blog. it's a little ridiculous, but it gives me a good laugh.

cheers, katie

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

the sensations we feel at the hands of love are gifts, and not mere confirmations.

love doesn't need butterflies or magic fairy dust to reveal itself.

it is a decision.


i enjoy this topic.