
What It's Like To Date Me

For those who are wondering, yes, I'm biting.

1. I am a mess, and I will not hesitate to let you in on that fact. Truth be told, I still suffer from a lot of scars from my youth. I'm not putting that out there as an excuse...I'm just saying. I'm tender. However...

2. I am stronger than you think. I am stronger than I think. And I don't know if I can attribute that to the Y Chromosome coursing through my veins or not, but I know that there is a lot of power inside of me that I haven't even begun to tap into. It would be a mistake to mistake my sensitivity for any kind of weakness. I'm not immortal...but I'm not impotent.

3. I have a problem with my mouth. Some times, I will just say the stupidest things, and I won't even be ready for it. You know that feeling when you regret something, and you just wish to the Almighty Heavens Above that you could snatch back those last for moments? Yeah, I live in that state quite a bit. One minute, I'm adorning you with praises and adoration; next thing you know, you'll wonder why I'm quoting this video. Which basically means...

4. I'm a guy. Some of the things I find funny, you'll find repulsive. Some of the things I find humorous, you'll say are ridiculous and immature. Sorry. I'm working on it.

5. I'm not really used to getting compliments. Actually, let me rephrase that. I get compliments; my self-esteem doesn't seem to allow me to really stay there. I appreciate them, but I find myself in a place of frozen surprise. I guess I'm more used to giving them than receiving them.

6. Even when you don't think so, I'm paying attention.

7. Even when you think I should be, I'm probably not paying attention.

8. You could cheat on me, ridicule me, disrespect me, cuss me out, jack my car up (if I had one), run up my phone bill (if I had one), and I'd still give you the benefit of the doubt. I am forgiving to a fault. I mean, naturally, all things must come to an end, but I'd defend your honor before I question it. Even it's obvious to everyone else but me.

9. I'm a huggy person. What can I say? I love hugs. Say what you will. Still can't beat me.

10. I know what I know, and I believe in what I believe. Which are a number of things. The top of that list?
  1. My God - I'm not going to paint a picture of that Jewish carpenter-turned-traveling man on a cross. Instead, I will opt to create a picture of the God who loves me, beyond all I've done wrong. I believe in His power, but behind that, I have FAITH in Him and His Universal/Unique Love. Lemme stop before I start preaching...
  2. The Power of Words - We says words without thinking about them. I say words without thinking about them. However, I believe that we have the ability to mold our words to thrust ourselves into the cosmos of infinity, craft missions from pencil scribbles. There is no such thing as not being able to write. All you need are words and the conviction to pack each one with enough heat to fuel a rocketship.
11. I like surprising people. I love surprising people. I get a kick out of coming all the way from Washington, DC to the middle of Virginia, just to surprise you. Seriously. I guess it's something about the element of surprise, or the joy of seeing a well-executed plan come to fruition, or something like that. Alls I know is, I will spend a lot of time coming up with ways to make you blush, shake your head and mutter, "This boy is crazy...". And this can range from a Valentine's Present or an Engagement Ring or finding a certain chocolate bar in your coat pocket.
Now that I think about it, I do put a lot of energy making sure a surprise is all the more surprising. And don't even think that you can prepare yourself for such a surprise. That's why I work so hard at it: making sure you don't see it coming.

I think that's all for now. I mean, there's probably a whole lot more. But I'm tired. Work was CRAAAZY today, and I could really use a Reeses.


I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...


i could beat you.

lol. nice list you've compiled here. it's fun taking an honest look at yourself, save the criticism/condemnation, isn't it?

heaven help your future wife though.

MzPoetiK said...

I was all set on cuttin you! lol...don't copy and paste on me. :) Nice blog you have here...informative post. :)

Don said...

#6 and #7 - I completely understand what you're saying.

And I also agree with the power of the tongue. People should heed what they speak into existence.