
Blood and Bone: A True Savior

Hollywood's Jesus was lame.

Now, I don't know if I should be putting "lame" and "Jesus" in the same sentence, but in any event, I think that the Jesus that we see on TV and old movies is pretty disappointing.

We always see the same guy, with the same English accent and the same soul-man gotee and the same shaggy hairstyle. Boooo-ring.

Now, know that I write this with an open mind, but I am firm in my belief in the omnipotence of Jesus Christ. All the same...I would like to see a movie that depicted Jesus as something more. Let's step away from the age-old debate on whether Jesus was white/black/Jewish/Mary's baby daddy.

I wanna see Jesus fart. I wanna see Jesus take out a wedgie. I wanna see how Jesus sounds when he sneezes. I want to see a really good scene of Jesus going completely BUCKWILD on some fools (Matthew 21:12-13). Basically, I want to see a real picture of Christ, without placing emphasis on the petty stuff. I'm not saying to ignore his divinity, but...don't ignore his humanity either. That's what makes his story so compelling, at least to me. He was All God and All Man. He chatted with God and sipped tea with the homies. He performed miracles on the daily, but was pretty much homeless. Jesus battled demons...and lame politicians.

Tell me that ain't on some ol' Rosa Parks meets Gandhi mess!

Honestly though, funny-ness aside. We know Jesus was the Son of God. Therefore, He already has some status on his shoulders. My whole argument is simply this: We need to stop being scared of Big Bad Jesus. As if he walks around, wielding a thunderbolt on his hip, like a Divine Gat. When he came down and was borne of Man...it was exactly that. He didn't do it, just to show, "Look what I can do!". He became one of us, walked among us, ate with us, was MAN. Oh, don't get it twisted, he could've shifted gears into Holiest of Holies in a split second. He could've reminded us that He Was God.

But what kind of love keeps reminded you IN YOUR FACE that its better than you?

"Oh yeah, I'm Jesus. Yeah, I'm going to die for you, but I am God. So...yeah. You'd better pay your tithes."

Wrong. WRONG.

Part of the main emphasis is on his LOVE for us. (The other part is raising hisownself from the grave...but that's for another blog in and of itself...yeesh. Talk about gangsta...)

Besides, having created us and everything, you'd think he'd want to know what the hubbub was all about, right?

So, I end this blog by saying that Spike Lee and that Jewish Guy from "Knocked Up" and "Pineapple Express" should get together and start shooting this puppy. Because it is truly the Greatest Story Ever Told.

Also, all should try to read "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff". You might understand where I got the inspiration for this post.

1 comment:

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

we all need a relevant savior.
and that's what so cool about him,...he is historically correct & culturally relevant.

transport him to modern times, and his character still makes sense.
just a change of clothes.
...he'd be rockin' Vans & khaki shorts. :0)

I'll read that book soon...I promise.