
The He(art) of My Hustle


I'm starting to get pretty shameless. I am amazingly close to printing out my debut collection of poetry, but the only thing in my way is the funds I need to pay for the printing cost ($800 bones).

Naturally, I don't have eight hundred dollars. I don't even have $8. And without a job, it gets that much harder.

Therefore, I have decided that lil' ol' me will try my hand at this hustling thing. Not anything illegal or morally compromising, (although I do have a source that might be able to get me some connects, ya digg?), but something more of my forte. Like my art itself.

It makes sense to me. Besides, it'll give me a chance to stretch my lyrical versatility.

So tell your friends. I am officially a poet for hire. $5-10 a pop.

1 comment:

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

i must say that you are quite ambitious.

God (or what our secular counterparts call "the Universe or Fate" will surely repay your effort.

either way...you got a heck of a story out of it, right?