
What It's Like To Date An R.A.

I didn't see this coming.

I mean, I knew that she wanted to be an RA. Even when she was a prayer leader on Dorm 5-1, she'd talk about going through the application process, which I imagine is the Liberty University version of applying to be on MTV's Real World.

I guess in the back of my mind, I had something different in mind.

"Think about it. Your girlfriend is going to be an R.A.! There are countless selfish ways for this to benefit you! You'd be untouchable. The Liberty Way doesn't apply to you! This is diplomatic immunity redefined!"

Sadly, I was mistaken. Not only did the LUWay still ferociously still apply to me, but there was a greater demand of obeying them. But that wouldn't be a problem, right?

Wrong. Oh, so sadly wrong.

3-second hugs? Reduced to one second.
No kissing policy? Not even those gay little "penguin" kisses.
Rated R? Try racy rated PG-13 movies, starring Ryan Reynolds or Dave Chappelle, which coincidentally only leaves an assortment of Hugh Grant and Kate Hudson movies. (Honestly, "American Dreamz" only made me giggle at best.)

It's not like I had to change my whole set-up. I mean, hugging? Psht. Who needs that crap. Kissing? That stuff is for the kids. Instead, we like simply stare at each other, daydreaming about finally politely kissing on our wedding day (if it's in God's will, that is. After all, He does kinda have final say-so). And rated R movies? I don't even like the stuff. Even if Chappelle's Show is groundbreaking comedy and "300" is a monolith of testosturone.

At least that's what I heard.

However, I do find it funny how the minor things stay the same. Hanging with friends have the same zing it used to.

Friend 1: "Hey, Nick, wanna hang out tonight, possibly do something illegal involving firecrackers and Da Ihopz?"
Friend 2: "Dude, he can't. Britt's an RA, remember?"
Me: "Hey...I can hang out..."
Friend 2: "You can't. Don't worry, it won't be much fun any ways...*snickers, walking away*..."
Me: "Oh. Okay...well...I'll just...watch 'Scrubs' or something...."

See? Still one of the cool off-campus kids. (That Dr.Dorian is such a rascally little devil.)

I used to think I had it bad, but a 12 o'clock curfew is nothing compared to RA Lock-Down.

RA Lock-Down is where the RA's on the hall are allowed no freedom outside of classes, convo and CFAW's. Which will suck when "The Dark Knight" comes to the dollar theater.

On a more serious note, I knew what I was getting into. To be an RA is the most demanding leadership position a resident student can have on campus, and while I may not be directly playing the part, I see first-hand how much energy and time and prayer goes into it. For personal reasons, I doubt my own ability to be able to be a good RA (emphasis on good), but I think that Brittney handles it with amazing grace and ease. I gladly accept the role of dating an RA, supporting her and praying with and for her and her hall - even if she can't join us to see "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". Because I would never watch that filth.

*uncrosses fingers*


Don said...

Funny post, I've never dated an RA, the only one I've known was my female cousin two years ago.

I hated taking her back to the campus (three hour drive) which left me being forced to listen to her talkabout everything under the sun concerning her position. LOL.

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...

this is just lovely.

I.Am.Spoken.Word. said...


i keep forgetting that you wrote this. makes me smile every time i read it.